Sunday, May 21, 2017

Lifestyle of early human

Life of early human was very hard. Unlike nowadays they had to risk their lives for survival. Finding foods was not an easy task for them. They used to walk all day in search of foods. Since humans were small in comparison to other wild animals, they had to protect themselves from them. So, to get protection from wild animals, extreme weathers, early human started living in a cave. (The reason they are call caveman).

Firstly, early humans used to eat fruits and roots of plants for foods. But after discovering weapon tools, they started hunting. So, we can consider our ancestor as omnivorous. Early humans were free travelers. They used to travel various places for better shelter and foods. From the fear of being hunted by wild animals they didn’t use to sit in a place for much longer time.

From the beginning of our evolution, humans were social animals. They used to live in groups. This helped them in many ways. Living in groups provided security to them from strangers. Larger no of people meant greater possibility of finding foods, easier hunting and many other advantages. This practice later turned out to be of significant use. Human beings started creating families and societies. They discovered farming, started domesticating animals and lived away from the wild.

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