Saturday, April 8, 2017

What Is Evolution

Evolution simply is the development of life on earth. This is a process that began billions of years ago and is still happening. Every living things we see today are the result of million years of evolution. So, evolution is a very slow process that happens throughout the entire life of any organism till its extinction.     
So, how does evolution occurs?
All healthy living creatures, from a single cell amoebas, plants, mammals, birds, to human, everyone are capable of reproduction. We have capability of making copies of ourselves. We do this by duplicating our DNA and passing the DNA to our future generation.
DNA are chain like structures that is present in our cell. Our physical appearance, our body size, our skin color, everything we are is the result of our DNA. We can simply understand that our DNA has the coded information on what we are. The information in our DNA varies with other creatures. That’s why we differ from them.

While reproduction, if all goes well then, the offspring produced will look exactly the same as the parents. But in nature, things aren’t always perfect. When DNA is being copied, errors can occur that modifies the DNA code. This is called the DNA mutation.  The DNA mutation can create variation in the body and characteristics of the creatures who inherits the modified DNA. If the newly created species survives long enough to reproduce, it passes its unique coded DNA to its children. This is an everlasting process that has been undergoing since the occurrence of living creature. In order to continue the generation of one’s type, the living creature has to survive in the nature.